Archives July 2022

Perros abrazados con gatos (10 fotos)

Perros abrazados con gatos

¡Espero que todos estén disfrutando de su sábado!

Como es el fin de semana, eso indica que es hora de que otros perros se abrazan con Cats Post. ¡Gracias a todos los que han enviado fotos hasta ahora! Puede enviar sus fotos de perros abrazados con gatos a

Ahora, ¿cuál de estos crees que es el más lindo? No puedo decidir. ¡Los amo a todos!

1 – Joey (Cat) y Tucker

2 – Millie (Cat) y Ezzie Mae

3 – Louie y señorita Maggie

4 – Eli (perro) y Millie

5 – Jack (Cat) y Ayra

6 – Kaya (perro) y Gina (sígalos en mis dos pitties)

7 – Sophie (perro) y ninja

8 – Scout y Beamer (gatos) y Ace



¡Envíe sus fotos a para ver sus mascotas familiares que aparecen la próxima semana!

Dog walking

I’m still discovering to let go of what others think.

What is our obsession with judging others, anyway? At 27, I am still figuring out what I want to do with my life. I envision this will be something I never rather figure out, as my goals will always be changing. as well as that’s a great thing.

I run dogs, as well as I pet sit.

That seems to be the description for me these days. I’m not happy with that. These descriptions do bit to define me.

I like costs time with animals. I like solitude. I like being out in the country. I like to write, take photos, produce art.

Spending all the time with dogs is a fantasy for many. I have what many people will never have.

I get emails weekly from strangers who congratulate me on doing something they would never have the spheres to do – stop their “secure” tasks as well as (gasp) walk dogs.

Walking dogs is a fantasy job. I can’t believe exactly how lucky I am.

I actually have my own fan club. I go to work as well as my “clients” are so happy to see me they cry. I have the flexibility to run anywhere I want to run. I take days off when I want days off. If I feel like composing for a few hours, I do. I get my doggy repair whenever I requirement it just be kneeling down as well as hugging one of my many, many finest friends. I make a meaningful difference for rescue dogs, as well as I bring excellent comfort to the dog owners who concern about leaving their “kids” at a kennel.

If there’s a much better task available than mine, please share.

But let me tell you, walking dogs is not all fun as well as games, either. It’s not “a walk in the park” by any type of means.

Running (or walking) all the time is not easy. There are days when I am exhausted. Me duelen los pies. My knees ache. There are days when the poop bags rip as well as I get crap on my mittens, no joke. There are dogs that jump around me, as well as they are commonly muddy. There are dogs that freak out over something as normal as a piece of plastic blowing in the snow. There are days when I’m so bundled up that I’m literally sweating, even though it’s far, far below zero. sometimes I feel like my deal with may freeze off, as well as sometimes I feel like it will shed off. No importa. I am “out in it” no matter what.

I’m available since I want to be.

In addition to the people who want to have my job, there are the people who seem to pity me since they decline to believe somebody can make a living with dog walking.

“Is that lucrative?” “Are you still walking dogs?” “Is that truly the very best concept right now?”

These are the type of concerns I still get from household members as well as “friends” even though I’ve had a successful dog running business for well over two years now. Really, if it wasn’t working out, I would’ve come up with a new plan by now. I’m an intelligent person.

From both sides of the spectrum – those who praise me as well as those who criticize – I see people who are extremely dissatisfied with their present lifestyles. They are working as well difficult at tasks they don’t care for in order to bring house what they believe is a secure, hard-earned paycheck.

I am so fortunate to understand that I am on the right path. I am discovering methods to do what I love, as well as it’s paying off for me as well as for others.

In his book “The method We’re working Isn’t Working,” Tony Schwartz asks the question:

Is the life you’re leading worth the cost you’re paying to online it?


Las autoridades desaparecidas caninas de la casa segura después de 2 meses

prácticamente dos meses después de que desapareció, se ha encontrado un policía K-9 de Wilmington (Ohio), según WCPO News en Cincinatti.

El Malinois belga de 3 años llamado Karson desapareció el 23 de diciembre y fue encontrado el domingo.

Me gusta esta raza, así como me sorprende que el canino sobreviviera por su cuenta durante dos meses de temporada de invierno.


Pam Jones, así como su otra mitad, encontraron el canino y el llamado al 911.

Jones es una de las 20,000 personas estimadas que salieron buscando a Karson en los últimos 61 días, por lo que se sintió bastante segura de que era Karson. Sin embargo, ella no era específica al principio desde el método que sus oídos parecían.

“Encontramos un animal en nuestro mejor momento, sin embargo, su tipo de oídos había caído. Sin embargo, cuando llegó esa confirmación de sí, ese es él, entonces creo que todas las apuestas estaban apagadas “, dijo. “Estábamos obteniendo ese perro”.

Jones, un fotógrafo experto, sacó su cámara de video y documentó la reunión entre Popp y Karson.

Karson perdió alrededor de 14 libras, sin embargo, parece estar bien, dijo WCPO. Sobrevivió dos períodos amargamente fríos, así como en enero, Popp había declarado que creía que Karson podría pasar al aire libre en escalofríos de viento que cayeron a -20 grados F.

Una página de Facebook dedicada a los avistamientos de Karson tenía mucho más de 27,900 fanáticos.

Las fotos a continuación fueron tomadas por Jones, el fotógrafo profesional experto que encontró a Karson. Ella publicó estos en su página de Facebook:

Historia completa

¿Crees que tu canino pasaría dos meses en la carrera?

Imagen superior de la página de Facebook dedicada a descubrir a Karson.

Cómo aumentar el enfoque de su perro en las caminatas: 2 comandos

Julia Thomson es una contribuyente de rutina a ese perro callejero. Mantiene la casa del blog en 129 acres donde bloguea sobre la vida en el país y en la renovación de bricolaje.

Estoy manejando una situación de síndrome de perrito distraído. ¿Está familiarizado con los síntomas?

1. “Estoy olfateando. Estoy olfateando. Estoy olfateando. AAAAACK, ¿por qué me estás estrangulando? ¡Los sniffs van por este camino!

2. “Voy a mirar a la distancia, solo en situación hay algo mucho más fascinante que tú”.

3. Además de lo peor. “Los sniffs son tan deliciosos. Me voy a sentarme aquí un poco “.

Admitiré que mi otra mitad tan bien como dejo que esto suceda. Ambos trabajamos a tiempo completo, por lo que Baxter pasa mucho tiempo por dentro y solo. Nos sentimos culpables por esto, así que cuando salimos a su mañana, así como a caminatas de la tarde, le dejamos llamar por teléfono.

Si bien las caminatas (o mucho más con precisión los olfates) pueden ser placenteros para Baxter, en algunos casos no son los viajes más placenteros para nosotros. Además de los olfates, estos no son los viajes más estimulantes o difíciles para Bax.

Recientemente, he estado tratando de ponerme mucho más en el asiento del conductor. Dos de mis métodos son un par de comandos nuevos.

Cómo aumentar el enfoque de su perro en las caminatas

1. “conmigo”.

“Conmigo” significa: “No, no nos detenemos mejor ahora. sigue caminando.”

Lo utilizo tan pronto como veo a Baxter pensando en desviarse del curso. Tengo que pagar intereses para atraparlo antes de seleccionar su propia aventura.

“With Me” fue bastante simple para él aprender. Incluso el ruido del comando es suficiente para distraerlo del aroma y recordarle: “Oh, claro, estoy caminando con Julia. La elegiré “. Se siente como una victoria significativa cuando regresa en el programa conmigo.

2. “Vamos”.

“Vamos” significa: “Está bien, nos detuvimos para oler, así como ha pasado lo suficiente. Ahora estamos siguiendo adelante “.

A veces vuelvo a las viejas prácticas de dejar que Baxter llame al teléfono llame a las tomas, o no me importa un descanso, o perdí mi posibilidad de “conmigo”. Lo más difícil de “Let’s Go” es que quiero que no sea negociable. Por lo tanto, declaro “vamos” y comencé a caminar. Si Bax no viene, lo arrastran un poco.

Enseñar “Let’s Go” no ha ido tan bien como “conmigo” gracias al lado obstinado independiente de Baxter, y nuestra historia de dejarlo olfatear tanto como quiera, pero todavía tengo victorias donde comienza a caminar conmigo.

Estoy viendo el progreso, así como me siento como BAX, y estoy pagando mucho más intereses a los demás, lo cual es una gran cosa para los dos. Los cuestan tiempo con Bax caminando por nuestra granja es una de mis partes preferidas de mi día. Ahora, los estoy disfrutando aún más.

¿Alguna vez has tratado con el síndrome de perrito distraído?

¿Alguna sugerencia para mantener su canino enfocado durante una caminata?

Artículos Relacionados:

Cómo entrenar a tu canino para que no sean correa

Sugerencias de senderismo sin huellas para tu perro

10 commands every dog should know

Here are 10 commands or cues every dog owner should work to perfect with his or her dog beyond the basics.

Of course, the words you decide to use are not as important as how your dog responds to the commands.

Other words could be substituted for my suggestions. For example, the word “give” would work just fine instead of “drop.”

In the comments, let me know what other words you think are important for every dog to learn.

Here are the 10 commands to teach your dog

1. teach your dog the command drop.

It’s important for a dog to know the drop command so he will drop whatever he has in his mouth if he’s not supposed to have it. It could be a shoe, towel, a baby toy or any object.
It’s also nice when a dog will drop his own toy on command when you are playing fetch or you simply want to end a play session or put the dog’s toys away.

2. teach your dog the command off.

This command is important to teach your dog for when he jumps up on people or jumps on the furniture. many people make the mistake of saying “down” in these situations. This is a mistake because most dogs have been trained to lie down when they hear the word “down.” “Down” should mean lie down, and “off” should mean get off the furniture or person.

See my post: how to teach your dog OFF

3. teach your dog to leave it.

Leave it is a good command to teach your dog for anything you don’t want him to touch. You can say “leave it” while referring to a stick, food, other dogs, a cat, people, whatever it might be. Leave it simply means leave it alone!

4. teach your dog a command for go to the bathroom such as “hurry up.”

I tell my dog to hurry up every time I want him to go to the bathroom. He will literally pee on command. I have taught him this because I used to live in North Dakota and it got really old standing outside in the cold late at night waiting for him to go to the bathroom.

5. teach your dog a release word such as “OK.”

I use the word “OK” as a release for anything I’ve told my dog to do. When he’s in a sit position, he is supposed to sit until I say “OK.” The same goes with stay, down, stand, etc. I wrote a post on the importance of the release command here.

6. teach your dog to heel.

Éste habla por sí mismo. To avoid my dog pulling me down the street and making daily walks almost unbearable, I have to teach him to walk properly on a leash. Heel means walk at my side at my speed. this one is easier said than done, and I think it will be a lifetime process for Ace to perfect it, but I refuse to have a dog pulling me on a walk.

7. teach your dog to wait.

This command is a little different than the stay command. Basically, stay means stay until I return and release you. wait means wait until I say it’s ok for you to follow me. For example, I tell Ace to wait while I open the door before our walk. I also tell him to wait if he is in the automobile and I’m about to let him out. In both situations, I want him to wait until I am ready to deal with him.

See: stay vs. wait

8. teach your dog all the basic commands.

All dogs deserve to know the basics such as sit, down, stay, come and no! These commands help dogs fit into our society. A dog is not well trained unless it knows at least these five words. I can’t think of living with a dog and not teaching it basic obedience. The possibilities for what we can teach our dogs go on and on, but these commands are something to start with.

9. teach your dog to go to his bed.

This command is important for when you need your dog to lie down and relax. It wouldn’t have to be a bed, it could be a blanket or towel or pillow. The key is to train your dog to lie down and relax in one spot. This can be valuable when you have visitors over or when you’re eating dinner or just watching TV and your dog needs to take a break from playing and “chill out.”

See my post: how to teach a dog to go to his bed

10. teach your dog the command load up.

This is a good command for when you want your dog to get in the car. My dog loves the car, and he used to bound right in as soon as I opened any automobile door. This was a problem when I was trying to put other things in the back seat before my dog.

If Ace was excited, he’d jump in the automobile before I even had the door all the way open. I hate it when a dog is barging ahead of me, or practically tearing my arm off in order to get somewhere, so the wait command followed by the load up command helps to prevent this.

What are some other important commands you have taught your dog?